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Working Papers in Language Management

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2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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Kimura, G. C. (2024). Striking differences beneath superficial similarity – easy language in Germany (Leichte Sprache) and Japan (yasashii nihongo). Working Papers in Language Management, 9. PDF

Ludányi, Z. (2024). The role of corpora in the work of the Language Consulting Service of the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for LinguisticsEesti Ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, 15(2), 47–73. PDF

Ludányi, Z. & Jakab, D. (2024). Language consulting practices in Hungary from the perspective of Language Management Theory. Paper presented at the Language Management Seminar. Prague: Charles University, 10 May 2024. ppt

Zhu, K. & He, S. (16 Aug 2024). Do you speak English or my language? An LMT approach to language requirements in EU nations’ visa applications. Current Issues in Language Planning. Published online 


Domonkosi, Á. & Ludányi, Z. (2023). Nyelvhasználói nézőpontok, adatalapúság, nyelvi tanácsadás. Hogyan beszélhetünk ma nyelvművelésről? [Language user perspectives, data-based investigation, language consulting. How can we talk about language cultivation today?] In G. Tolcsvai Nagy, K. Laczkó & Sz. Tátrai (eds.), Nyelv, kultúra és tudomány. Köszöntő kötet a Magyar Nyelvőr alapításának 150. évfordulójára. Budapest: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, 9–36.  PDF

Domonkosi, Á. & Ludányi, Z. (2023). Politeness metadiscourses in the practice of Hungarian language consulting. Studia Linguistica Hungarica 35: 24–37. DOI: 10.54888/slh.2023.35.24.37

Ferenčík, M. & Bariová, D. (2023). Managing multilingualism in a tourist area during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Pragmatics, 210, 52-70. PDF 

Hang Yajing & Zhao Ronghui (2023). 在沪跨国公司的语言管理策略及影响因素 / Zai hu kuoguogongsi de yuyan guanlli celue ji yingxiang yinsu [Language management strategies and influencing factors of multinational corporations in Shanghai.] 语言战略研究 / Yuyan Zhanlue Yanjiu / Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning, 8 (2), 52-62. PDF  WeChat/Weixin

Hoffmannová, J. (2023). Doprovodný rozhovor a následné interview: analýza transinterakčního managementu [The accompanying dialogue and the follow-up interview: The analysis of trans-interactional management]. Jazykovedný časopis, 74 (2), 495–508. PDF

Kimura, G. C. (2023). Approaches to agency in language policy and management: research trends, issues, methods and theoretical frameworks. Working Papers in Language Management, 8 (revised in 2024). PDF

Kontra, M., Sloboda, M., Nekvapil, J. & Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak, A. (2023). Sociolinguistics in East Central Europe. In M. J. Ball, R. Mesthrie & C. Meluzzi (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Sociolinguistics Around the World. Second Edition. London and New York: Routledge, 576-597  PDF  

Ludányi, Z. (2023). A helyesírási problémák kezelési stratégiái a nyelvi tanácsadásban [Strategies for managing spelling problems in language consulting]. Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Közlemények 16 (2), 29–46. PDF

Ludányi, Z. & Domonkosi, Á. (2023). Language consulting and language management from the perspective of the Hungarian Language Consulting Service. Taikomoji kalbotyra 20: 74–88. DOI: 10.15388/Taikalbot.2023.20.6

Nekula, M. (2023). Sprachbiographien in der Historischen Soziolinguistik [Language biographies in historical sociolinguistics]. Working Papers in Language Management, 7. PDF

Nekvapil, J. (2023). Language Norms in Action: The Normative Orientation of Language Management. Paper presented at the workshop Norms, Rules, and the Social Order. Rabat: Netherlands Institute Morroco (NIMAR), 13-14 March 2023.  ppt 

Nekvapil, J. (2023). Funkční diferenciace pravopisu [The functional differentiation of spelling]. Přednáška v Jazykovědném sdružení 19. 10. 2023. Praha: FFUK.  ppt

Nekvapil, J. & Sherman, T. (2023). 跨国公司如何改变周边语言环境:来自捷克的观 / Kuaguo gongsi ruhe gaibian zhoubian yuyan huanjing: Laizi Jieke de guancha [How multinational corporations change their linguistic environment: An observation from the Czech Republic.] 语言战略研究 / Yuyan Zhanlue Yanjiu / Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning, 8 (2), 40-51. PDF  WeChat/Weixin

Sieglová, D. (2023). A multi-disciplinary use of the critical incident cycle: A didactic model. Studie z aplikované lingvistiky / Studies in Applied Linguistics, 14 (1), 41-61. PDF

Yin Zhiping (2023). 跨国企业语言管理研究从两种角走向交叉学科 / Kuoguo qiye yuyan guanli yanjiu: Cong liangzhong shijiao zouxiang jiaocha xueke  [Research on language management in multinational corporations: From two perspectives towards an interdisciplinary approach.] 语言战略研究 / Yuyan Zhanlue Yanjiu / Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning, 8 (2), 27-39. PDF  WeChat/Weixin 


Dovalil, V. (2022). Language problems in interactions between locals and foreign tourists in the city of Prague: A language management study. In D. Smakman, J. Nekvapil & K. Fedorova (eds.), Linguistic Choices in the Contemporary City: Postmodern Individuals in Urban Communicative Settings. London and New York: Routledge, 193-210. PDF

Dovalil, V. (2022). Metalinguistic activities as a focus of sociolinguistic research: Language Management Theory, its potential, and fields of application. Sociolinguistica: European Journal of Sociolinguistics, 36 (1-2), 35-53. PDF

Dufek, O., Dvořáková, K., Beneš, M., Mžourková, H., Martinkovičová, B., Smejkalová, K. & Štěpánová, V. (2022). „Jazyková poradna, dobrý den“: O češtině a jejích uživatelích [“This is language consulting center, good morning!”: On Czech and its users]. Praha: NLN.

Fairbrother, L. & Kimura, G. Ch. (2022). Integrating macro and micro perspectives of language management. Paper presented at Third International Conference on Sociolinguistics: Diversities, New Media and Language Management. Prague: Charles University. PDF

He, Shanhua & Nekvapil, Jiří (2022). Interest, power, and attitudes toward international communication: The language choices of Chinese provincial government websites. Archiv orientální, 90 (2), 371-402. PDF

Imafuku, R., Nagatani, Y., Shoji, M. (2022). Communication management processes of dentists providing healthcare for migrants with limited Japanese proficiency. International Journal of Environtemal Research and Public Health, 19, 14672.  PDF

Jańczak, B. A., Nekula, M. & A. Zielińska (2022). Sprachbiographische Annotation im deutsch-polnischen Korpus. In B. Hansen & A. Zielińska (eds.), Soziolinguistik trifft Korpuslinguistik: Deutsch-polnische und deutsch-tschechische Zweisprachigkeit. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 31-51. PDF

Kimura, G. Ch. (2022). What is a management approach to language and what is it good for? Paper presented at Third International Conference on Sociolinguistics: Diversities, New Media and Language Management. Prague: Charles University. PDF 

Kimura, G. Ch. (2022). 言語政策研究におけるビョルン=ホルガー・イェルヌッド氏の貢献 / Gengoseisaku kenkyu ni okeru Björn Holger Jernudd shi no kouken [Björn Holger Jernudd’s contribution to the research on language policy]. Nihon gengoseisaku gakkai nyuzureta [Newsletter of the Japanese Association for Language Policy], 35, 3-5. PDF webpage

Kiss, N. (2022). Key actors in the organized language management of Ukraine: On the materials of language legislation development and adoption. In M. Nekula, T. Sherman, H. Zawiszová (eds.), Interests and Power in Language Management. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang, 177-201. Proofs

Lanstyák, I., Samko, M. & Sebők, S. (eds.) (2022). Jazykové a komunikačné problémy na Slovensku a ich manažment [Language and Communicative Problems in Slovakia and Their Management]. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. PDF 

Lengar Verovnik, T. & Dobrovoljc, H. (2022). Revision of Slovenian normative guide: Scientific basis and inclusion of the public. Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies, 14, 183–205. PDF  DOI: 

Ludányi, Z. & Domonkosi, Á. (2022). 7th International language management symposium: Standardisation as language management. Slovo a slovesnost, 83 (1), 71-76. PDF

Ludányi, Z. & Domonkosi, Á. (2022). Nyelvmenedzselési folyamatok a magyar járványszókincs alakulásában [Language management processes in the development of Hungarian vocabulary during the Covid-19 period].  Eruditio – Educatio, 17 (3), 3-20. PDF  

Mitsova, S., Padareva-Ilieva, G., & Smakman, D. (2022). The dynamic sociophonetics of Bulgarian /l/: The quiet transition from [l] to [ŭ]. In D. Smakman, J. Nekvapil & K. Fedorova (eds.), Linguistic Choices in the Contemporary City: Postmodern Individuals in Urban Communicative Settings. London and New York: Routledge, 304-321.

Ndebele, H. (2022). Exploring the challenges of information and communication technology localization in South African higher education: a language management approach. International Journal of Multilingualism, 19 (3), 368-382, DOI:

Nekula, M., Sherman, T., & Zawiszová, H. (eds.) (2022). Interests and Power in Language Management. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang. Book on publisher's website  Table of contents

Nekula, M., Sherman, T., & Zawiszová, H. (2022). Exploring interests and power in language management. In M. Nekula, T. Sherman, H. Zawiszová (eds.), Interests and Power in Language Management. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang, 15-34. PDF

Nekvapil, J. (2022). Björn Jernudd osmdesátiletý [On the occasion of Björn Jernudd's 80th birthday]. Slovo a slovesnost, 83 (2), 158-160. PDF

Nekvapil, J. & Jernudd, B. H. (2022). A note on Language Management Theory. e-Linguapax - December, n. 12, 1-4. PDF

Nekvapil, J. & Sherman, T. (2022). How multinational corporations affect their local surroundings: Sociolinguistic insights from the Czech Republic. Working Papers in Language Management, 6. PDF

Nguyen T. T. T. (2022). Individual Language Policy: Bilingual Youth in Vietnam. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Park, M. (2022). Metrolingualism in Prague: The adaptation and management of multilingualism in a multiethnic bakery shop. Studie z aplikované lingvistiky / Studies in Applied Linguistics, 13 (2), 99-122. PDF

Sherman, T. (2022). Desiderata pro další zkoumání potenciálně diglosních aspektů české jazykové situace: jazykový management a východiska mluvčích [Desiderata for the further exploration of potentially diglossic aspects of the Czech language situation: Language management and the speaker-centered perspective]. In Škrabal, Michal, Laubeová, Zuzana, Štěpánková, Barbora (eds.), Korpusové přístupy k české diglosii. Praha: NLN, s. 117-130. PDF

Sieglová, D. (2022). Critical incidents as a window into simple language management. Language Learning in Higher Education, 12 (1), 105–127. PDF

Smakman, D., Nekvapil, J. & Fedorova, K. (2022). Introducing city people and their communicative challenges. In D. Smakman, J. Nekvapil & K. Fedorova (eds.), Linguistic Choices in the Contemporary City: Postmodern Individuals in Urban Communicative Settings. London and New York: Routledge, 1-12. PDF

Zhuo Meifang (2022). [A review of] A language management approach to language problems: Integrating macro and micro dimensions. Current Issues in Language Planning, 23 (3), 343-345. PDF


Bučková, A. (2021). Jazykové ideologie a jazykový management československých emigrantek a emigrantů v Bavorsku [Language ideologies and language management of Czechoslovak emigrants in Bavaria]. Naše řeč, 104 (5), 376-392. PDF

Castle, C. M. (2021). L1 English speakers in Prague: Motivators in language use and language borrowing. Linguistica Pragensia, 31 (2), 161-187. PDF 

Dovalil, V. (2021)  Deutsch als Sprachmanagement-Objekt in Europa. Akteure, Interessen und Hindernisse. In H. Lobin, A. Witt & A. Wöllstein (eds.), Deutsch in Europa. Sprachpolitisch – grammatisch – methodisch. Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 17-34. PDF

Imafuku, R., Saiki, T., Hayakawa, K., Sakashita, K. & Suzuki, Y. (2021). Rewarding journeys: Exploring medical students’ learning experiences in international electives. Medical Education Online, 26 (1), PDF

Lanstyák, I. (2021). Language problems, language related social problems, metalinguistic activities. Forum Social Sciences Review / Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle, 23 (5), 61-72. PDF

Ludányi, Z. & Domonkosi, Á. (2021). Die Rolle von Sprachtagebüchern im problembasierten Unterricht von Ungarisch als Muttersprache [The role of language diaries in problem-based teaching of Hungarian as L1]. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences jATES, 11 (1), 44-65. PDF

Mulwa, E. M. (2021). Diglossia and multiligualism: A language challenge in Machakos subordinate courts. European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics Studies, 5 (1), 130-145.  PDF  DOI: 10.46827/ejlll.v5i1.265

Nekula, M. (2021). Sprachideologien und Sprachmanagement in sprachbiographischen Interviews: Sprecher mit tschechischem Migrationshintergrund in Bayern. Brücken, 28 (2), 63-82. PDF 

Nekvapil, J. (2021). Teorie jazykového managementu jako otevřený projekt [Language Management Theory as an open project]. Přednáška pro mezinárodní online konferenci Jazykové a komunikačné problémy a ich manažment – teória a prax, Bratislava, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského, 10. – 11. 6. 2021. ppt

Park, M. (2021). Review of Linda Mingfang Li. Language Management and Its Impact: The policies and practices of Confucius Institutes. New York: Routledge, 2019. Archiv orientální, 89 (1): 219-221. PDF

Phuthego Sharon Leboho (2021), Guidelines Towards the Development of a Compulsory Course in African Languages for First-entering Students at the University of Limpopo. University of Limpopo. pdf

Sebők, S. (2021). Medzinárodná konferencia o jazykových problémoch a ich manažmente [The international symposium on language problems and how to manage them]. Slovo a slovesnost, 82 (4), 336-340. PDF

Sherman, T. & Homoláč, J. (2021). "Maybe the worst thing is that I speak Vietnamese with a Czech accent": Language and trajectories of young Vietnamese in the Czech Republic.  Working Papers in Language Management, 5. PDF

Sherman, T. & Homoláč, J. (2021). Evolving private labor markets and the (non-) acquisition of language. In K. Gonçalves & H. Kelly-Holmes (eds.), Language, Global Mobilities, Blue-Collar Workers and Blue-Collar Workplaces. New York, Abingdon: Routledge, 164-186. PDF

Sherman, T., Sloboda, M. & Vuković, P. (eds.) (2021). 7th International Language Management Symposium. Standardization as Language Management. Program and Abstracts. Zagreb, Prague: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb & Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague. PDF

Sieglova, D. & Stejskalova, L. (2021). Designing language courses for twenty-first century competences: A model of teaching toward learner autonomy implemented in a university context in the Czech Republic. Language Learning in Higher Education, 11 (1), 33-49. PDF

Sloboda, M. (2021). Demarcating the space for multilingualism: On the workings of ethnic interests in a 'civic nation'. In R. Blackwood & D. A. Dunlevy (eds.), Multilingualism in Public Spaces: Empowering and Transforming Communities. Bloomsbury, 31–58.

Tao, Y. & Jiang, Z. H. (2021). Review of G. C. Kimura, & L. Fairbrother (eds.) A language management approach to language problems: Integrating macro and micro dimensions. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2020. 273 pp. Language Problems and Language Planning, 45 (1), 116-120. PDF

Van Oss, V., Struys, E., Van Avermaet, P. & Vantieghem, W. (2021). What prompts early childhood professionals to proffer advice to multilingual families? Investigating the association between language policy and perceived self-efficacy. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. First published online. DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2021.1960358  PDF

Zheng Y. (2021). 新冠疫情中上海危机沟通语言管理过程研究 [A study on language management process of Shanghai’s crisis communication during the COVID-19]. Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning, 6 (3), 14-24. PDF

Zielińska, A.& Księżyk, F. (2021). Language shifts in the language biographies of immigrants from Upper Silesia residing in Germany. Multilingua, 40 (5), 675-706. DOI: PDF


Bariová, D. (2020). Pre-interaction language management and the relevance of ideology in a semiotic landscape of a plurilingual tourist area. Jazyk a kultúra, 11 (43-44), 2-11. PDF 

Dovalil, V. (2020). Processes of destandardization and demotization in the micro-macro pespective: The case of Germanic languages. In G. Kimura & L. Fairbrother (eds.), A Language Management Approach to Language Problems: Integrating Macro and Micro Dimensions. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 177-196.

Fairbrother, L. & Kimura, G. C. (2020). Introduction: What is a language management approach to language problems and why do we need it? In G. C. Kimura, & L. Fairbrother (eds.), A Language Management Approach to Language Problems: Integrating Macro and Micro Dimensions. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-28. PDF

Fan, S. K. (2020). How existing writing norms are selected and implemented for publishing Chinese community newspapers in Australia: Meeting points of leadership and language management studies. Global Communication Studies 9. Chiba: Kanda University of International Studies, 5-27. PDF

Gonçalves, K. (2020). “What the fuck is this for a language, this cannot be Deutsch?” Language ideologies, policies, and semiotic practices of a kitchen crew in a hotel restaurant. Language Policy, 19, 417–441.  PDF

He, Shanhua & Mao, Tiaoyuan (2020). Can the research on language planning be also planned?: Recent academia-government interactions in China. Current Issues in Language Planning, 21 (4), 434-453. PDF DOI: 10.1080/14664208.2020.1744318

Inoue, Fumio (2020). 日韓社会言語学研究の動向と展望 / Nikkan Shakaigengogaku no doukou to tenbou [Trends and prospects of Japan-Korea sociolinguistics research]. The Ilbon-Hak (Journal of Japanology), 51, 1-35. PDF PDF2

Jeewa, S. & Rudwick, S. (2020). “English is the best way to communicate– South African Indidan students‘ blind spot towards the relevance of Zulu. Sociolinguistica, 34, 155-171. PDF

Jernudd, B. H. (2020). The origin and development of a language management framework. In G. C. Kimura, & L. Fairbrother (eds.), A Language Management Approach to Language Problems: Integrating Macro and Micro Dimensions. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 31-48.  PDF

Kimura, G. C. & Fairbrother, L. (eds.) (2020). A Language Management Approach to Language Problems: Integrating Macro and Micro Dimensions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Book on publisher's website

Kimura, G. C. & Fairbrother, L. (2020). Epilogue: Reconsidering the language management approach in light of the micro-macro continuum. In G. C. Kimura, & L. Fairbrother (eds.), A Language Management Approach to Language Problems: Integrating Macro and Micro Dimensions. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 255-267. PDF

Lanstyák, I. (2020). Úrovne manažmentu jazykových problémov [The levels of language problem management]. Jazykovedný časopis, 71 (2), 229–246. PDF

Ludányi, Z. (2020). Language ideologies in contemporary Hungarian organized medical language management. Slovo a slovesnost, 81 (2), 91-110.  PDF

Ludányi, Z. (2020). Language consulting: A brief European overview. Eruditio – Educatio, 15 (3), 25-47. PDF  DOI:10.36007/eruedu.2020.3.025-047

Molnár Satinská, L. (2020). Individuálny jazykový manažment a jazykové stratégie maďarských študujúcich v Bratislave [Individual language management and language strategies of Hungarian students in Bratislava]. Jazykovedný časopis, 71 (3), 351-372. PDF online   

Mrázková, K. (2020). Šesté mezinárodní sympozium o jazykovém managementu [Sixth international symposion on language management]. Slovo a slovesnost, 81 (1), 85-88.  PDF

Nábělková, M. (2020). Biliterárnosť, bilingvizmus a „prílohové slovníčky" ako textová lexikografická opora v českom a slovenskom literárnom priestore [Biliteracy, bilingualism and „appended dictionaries" as a textual lexicographic support in the Czech and Slovak literary contexts]. Slovenská literatúra, 67 (1), 11-35. Online

Padareva-Ilieva, G. & Mitsova, S. [Падарева-Илиева, Г. & Мицова, С.] (2020). Време ли е за дискусии относно проблема л като ў в училище? (въз основа на експеримент в начален курс върху правописа на думи, съдържащи л и у) [Is it time to discuss the issue of L as Ŭ at school? (In light of an experiment on the spelling of words containing letters Л and У at secondary school)]. Български език и литература, 62 (1), 43-54. PDF

Sanden, G. R. (2020). Ten reasons why corporate language policies can create more problems than they solve. Current Issues in Language Planning, 21(1), 22-44. PDF

Shengxu, L. (2020). Research on ERP software course optimization based on big data technology. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Volume 1648, 042049, 1-8. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1648/4/042049  PDF

Sherman, T. (2020). Researching language management in Central Europe: Cultivation, social change and power. In G. C. Kimura, & L. Fairbrother (eds.), A Language Management Approach to Language Problems: Integrating Macro and Micro Dimensions. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 69-88.  PDF

Sherman, T. (2020). Differing interests in the management of multilingualism in Czech higher education. Sociolinguistica, 34, 89-106. PDF

Sloboda, M. (2020). Demarcating the space for multilingualism: on the workings of ethnic interests in a 'civic nation'. Working Papers in Language Management, 4. PDF

Zhang, Z. G. (2020). 对语言管理中几个问题的思考/ Dui Yuyan Guanli Zhong Jige Wenti De Sikao [Reflections of five basic questions about language management].《外语学刊》/ Waiyu Xuekan [Foreign Language Research], No. 3, Serial No. 214, pp. 92-98. PDF


Chamani, F. (2019). [Review of] Lisa Fairbrother, Jiří Nekvapil and Marián Sloboda, eds. The Language Management Approach: A Focus on Research Methodology. Archiv orientální, 87 (3), 569-571. PDF

Dovalil, V. (2019). Förderung von Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Tschechien: Theoretische Voraussetzungen und praktische Konsequenzen. In Ulrich Ammon &  Gabriele Schmidt (eds), Förderung der deutschen Sprache weltweit: Vorschläge, Ansätze und Konzepte. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 701–718. Draft

He, S. (2019).语言管理路径——研究方法专论》述评 / "Yuyan Guanli Lujing — Yanjiu Fangfa Zhuanlun” Shuping [A Review of The Language Management Approach: A Focus on Research Methodology]. 《语言战略研究》/ Yuyan Zhanlue Yanjiu / Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning, 4 (6), 90-96. PDF

Heinrich, P. (2019). [Review of] Lisa Fairbrother, Jiří Nekvapil & Marián Sloboda (eds.): The Language Management Approach: A Focus on Research Methodology. Berlin ‒ Bern ‒ Bruxelles ‒ New York ‒ Oxford ‒ Warszawa ‒ Wien: Peter Lang Edition, 2018. 403 pp. Prague Papers on Language, Society and Interaction, 5. Slovo a slovesnost, 80 (2), 140-145. PDF

Kimura, G. C. (2019). 境界研究へのアプローチとしての言語管理中央ヨーロッパ国境地域の事例から[The Language Management approach to border studies: Central European perspectives]. Japan Border Review, No. 9, 47-58.  PDF summary_p.138 

Lanstyák I. (2019). Nyelvmenedzselés-elmélet és terminológia [Language Management Theory and terminology]. In Á. Fóris & A. Bölcskei (eds.), Terminológiastratégiai kihívások a magyar nyelvterületen. Budapest: L'Harmattan–Országos Fordító és Fordításhitelesítő Iroda, 73–93. PDF

Ludányi, Z. (2019). Language ideologies in Hungarian language counselling interaction. Eruditio – Educatio, 14 (3), 59-76. PDF

Maseko, B. & Mutasa, D. E (2019). ‘Only Tonga spoken here!’: Family language management among the Tonga in Zimbabwe. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 37 (4), 289-302. DOI: 10.2989/16073614.2019.1692676  PDF

Nábělková, M. (2019). Pestovanie biliterárnosti ako súčasť kultúrnej politiky a jazykového plánovania v česko-slovenskom kontexte (Chmelovské inšpirácie) [Biliteracy as a part of cultural policy and language planning in the Czech-Slovak context: inspirations of Rudolf Chmel]. Slovenská literatúra, 66 (6), 417-429. Online

Nekvapil, J. (2019). What has been overlooked in Language Management Theory: Notes on some pertinent features of the work of Robinson, Weinstein, and Garfinkel. Paper presented at the 6th International Language Management Symposium “Re-exploring the management of intercultural interactions at the macro and micro levels”. September 9-10, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto. PPT

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Neustupný, J. V. (2006). Sociolinguistic aspects of social modernization. In U. Ammon, N. Dittmar, K. J. Mattheier & P. Trudgill (eds), Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society, Volume 3 / Soziolinguistik: Ein internationales Handbuch zur Wissenschaft von Sprache und Gesellschaft, 3. Teilband. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2209–2224. PDF

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Neustupný, J. V. (1997). Sociolinguistics: Some other traditions. In C. B. Paulston & R. G. Tucker (eds.) The Early Days of Sociolinguistics: Memories and Reflections. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 201-209. PDF

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Jernudd, B. H. (1996). Coexisting realities in language planning. In J. Blommaert (ed.), The Politics of Multilingualism and Language Planning. Antwerp Papers in Linguistics, 87, pp. 184-195.  PDF

Neustupný, J. V. (1996). Current issues in Japanese-foreign contact situations. In Kyoto Conference on Japanese Studies 1994, Vol. II. Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 208-216. PDF


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Fan, S. K. C. (1994). Contact situations and language management. Multilingua, 13 (3), 237–252.  PDF

Jernudd, B. H. (1994). Personal names and human rights. In T. Skutnabb-Kangas & R. Philipson, in collaboration with M. Rannut (eds.) (eds.), Linguistic Human Rights: Overcoming Linguistic Discrimination. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 121-132. PDF

Jernudd, B. H. (1994). Term(inological) problems. In M. Brekke, O. Andersen, T. Dahl & J. Myking (eds.), Applications and Implications of Current LSP Research, vol. 1. Bergen: University of Bergen, 72–83.

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Jernudd, B. H. (1993). Language planning from a management perspective: An interpretation of findings. In E. H. Jahr (ed.), Language Conflict and Language Planning. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 133–142. PDF

Kuo, E. C. Y. & Jernudd, B. H. (1993). Balancing macro- and micro-sociolinguistic perspectives in language management: the case of Singapore. Language Problems and Language Planning, 17, 1–21. PDF

Neustupný, J. V. (1993). Language management for Romani in Central and Eastern Europe. New Language Planning Newsletter, 7 (4), 1–6. PDF (9 MB)


Fan, S. K. (1992). Language Management in Contact Situations between Japanese and Chinese. PhD dissertation. Monash University.

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Jernudd, B. H. & Thuan, E. (1984). Naming fish: A problem exploration. Language in Society, 13 (2), 235-244.  PDF

Neustupný, J. V. (1984). Language planning and human rights. In A. Gonzales, FSC (ed.), Panagani. Essays in Honor of Bonifacio P. Sibayan on His Sixty-Seventh Birthday. Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines, 66-74. PDF

Neustupný, J. V. (1984). Literacy and minorities: Divergent perceptions. In F. Coulmas (ed.), Linguistic Minorities and Literacy: Language Policy Issues in Developing Countries. Berlin, New York, Amsterdam: Mouton Publishers, 115-128. PDF


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Neustupný, J. V. (1983). Towards a paradigm for language planning. Language Planning Newsletter, 9 (4), 1–4. PDF (4.2 MB)


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Neustupný, J. V. (1975). Review of The Ecology of Language: Essays by Einar Haugen; Anwar S. Dil. Language, 51 (1), 236-242. (A reprint of E. Haugen and the history of sociolinguistics, Linguistic Communications, 11, 1973, 83-87.)


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Jernudd, B. H. (1973) Language planning as a type of language treatment. In J. Rubin & R. Shuy (eds.), Language Planning: Current Issues and Research. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 11-23.  PDF

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