Filozofická Fakulta


Abstracts of the LAUD Symposium 2004: Empowerment Through Language. Essen: University of Duisburg-Essen, LAUD Linguistic Agency, Paper No. 583. PDF

Černý, V., Hřebíček, L., Miltner, V., Neustupný, J. V., Vasiljev, I., Zima, P. (1963). Studium vztahu jazyka a společnosti v současných zemích Asie a Afriky [Research on the relationship of language and society in the contemporary African and Asian countries]. Zprávy Československé společnosti orientalistické při ČSAV, 4 (2), 29-35. PDF

Jernudd, B. H. (1973). Language Treatment in Sweden, an Indexed List of References. Stanford: Stanford University. PDF (16 MB)

Jernudd, B. H. (1983). Materials regarding the activities of the East West Center, HonoluluPDF

Jernudd, B. H. (1983). Report on the Conference on Linguistic Modernization and Language Planning in Chinese-Speaking Communities [including a comment by J. V. Neustupný] PDF

Jernudd, B. H. (n.d.). Introducing LMTPPT

Kennedy, Ch. (1982). Language planningLanguage Teaching, 15 (4), 264-284. PDF

Kimura, G. C. (2021). The Position of Language Management Theory within Language Policy research / Mediated communication as a site of intensive language management. Paper presented at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (the Language Management Course held by J. Nekvapil and T. Sherman). April 30. PPT

Nekvapil, J. & Sherman, T. (2012). Language Management in Action. A panel proposal for Sociolinguistic Symposium 19 at the Free University of Berlin [rejected]. PDF

Neustupný, J. V. (1986). An outline / contents of his planned book [enclosed to a letter to B. H. Jernudd]. PDF

Neustupný, J. V. (15/07/1987). A letter to B. H. JernuddPDF

Neustupný, J. V. (2004). Power of language across national boundaries: The case of tertiary education. Paper prepared for a plenary session of the 30th LAUD Symposium Empowerment through Language, University of Koblenz-Landau, April 19-22, 2004. Preliminary version from the 10th April 2004 (copy sent to organizers, with presentation comments). draft

Neustupný, J. V. (2006). A linguist loses his language and regains it. [Translated from the Japanese original published in Gengo 35 (7), 76-79]. PDF