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语言管理研究方法论的基本前提是有序管理(organized management)与简单管理(simple management)(应)相互关联 (参见 Nekvapil & Sherman 2015)。因此,该理论特别重视那些能够分析个人交际活动的方法。自从理论创立开始,语言管理理论发展了民族志方法论框架下的会话分析研究方法及研究成果(尤其是话语修补序列分析领域)。理想的研究是,应将真实交际活动的听觉和视觉信息记录下来,然后分析这些交际活动详尽的转写记录。


然而,既然在很多交际场合中,研究者无法直接接触到真实的交际(如出于伦理或者职业原因),语言管理理论所使用的方法可以使研究者以某种相关的方式,至少能够接触到这类真实的交际。交互式访谈(Muraoka 2000, Neustupný 2003, Sherman 2006)不像后续访谈,在交互式访谈中,说话人仅依靠回忆来再现所参与交际的细节(偶尔依靠其他的辅助方法,如记事本)。深入研究的方法包括焦点小组(focus group)、系统的自我观察(To & Jernudd 2001)和其他类型的访谈(叙事式、半结构式)。很明显,简单语言管理的上述研究方法,所体现出的方法论问题,必须引起应有的重视。

语言管理研究方法是2013年9月在布拉格举行的第三届国际语言管理研讨会的中心议题。相关出版物参见Fairbrother et al.(2018)。


Fairbrother, L., Nekvapil, J. & Sloboda, M. (eds.) (2018). The Language Management Approach: A Focus on Research Methodology. Berlin: Peter Lang. Contents

Marriott, H. (1991). Native-speaker behavior in Australian-Japanese business communication. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 92, 87-117.

Muraoka, H. (2000). Management of intercultural input: A case study of two Korean residents in Japan. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 10 (2), 297–311. PDF

Nekvapil, J. (2004). Language biographies and management summaries. Language Management in Contact Situations, III, Report on the Research Projects, 104, 9–33. PDF

Nekvapil, J. & Sherman, T. (eds.) (2015). Special Issue: The Language Management Approach: Perspectives on the Interplay of Bottom-Up and Top-Down. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 232. FRONTMATTER & CONTENTS 

Neustupny, R. (1996). Australians and Japanese at Morwell: Interaction in the work domain. In Marriott, H. & Low, M. (eds), Language and Cultural Contact with Japan. Melbourne: Monash Asia Institute, 156-171.

Neustupný, J. V. (1990). The follow-up interview. Japanese Studies Association of Australia Newsletter, 10 (2), 31–34. PDF (1 MB)

Neustupný, J. V. (1999). Následné (follow-up) interview. Slovo a slovesnost, 60 (1), 13–18.

Neustupný, J. V. (2003). Japanese students in Prague: Problems of communication and interaction. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 162, 125–143. PDF

To, C. & Jernudd, B. H. (2001). Terminological problems and language management for internet language professionals in Hong Kong. Journal of Translation Studies, 6, 95–110.

Sherman, T. (2006). Uncovering institutionally imposed norms through the interaction interview: Mormon missionaries in the Czech Republic. In Language Management in Contact Situations, 4, Report on the Research Projects, 129. Chiba: Chiba University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1–12. PDF